Monday, January 4, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside

It's a balmy 19 degrees on my deck this morning. My neighbor said it was colder than that and it sure feels like it. I took the doggies out to pee this morning and Rosie decided to take her time and sniff around while Max went straight to his business. When he finished I told Rosie she could just go on the pee pad. It was just too cold to stand around waiting for her to find the right moment. Luckily she is trained to go on the pee pad if she just has to go before I can take her outside. That will probably be the case later this week since snow is in the forecast and she doesn't even like to go out in the rain and get her feet wet. As usual, they are cuddled up under my desk right now trying to stay warm and rested. They are going to miss each other so much when Max goes home.

Speaking of Max - he is such the little hunter. Good thing he was on the leash and I had a good grip on it because we walked out the back door and a squirrel took off past us into the woods. Max tried so hard to chase him and it would have been a disaster if he had because I would have had to chase him through the woods. He is really strong for a little 16 lb Shih Tzu. I thought he was going to pull away from me but I managed to hold onto him. He grunted and snorted like a mad bull because he didn't get to catch that squirrel. He's so funny.

This is a picture of them when they were 3 months old. Max is in front.

This is them now:

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