Friday, January 8, 2010


It has been a long, cold day. I cannot get warm no matter what I do. And my skin is so dry and itchy from being bundled up in layers of clothes. I am sooooo ready for some warm, Alabama sunshine and 85 degree temperatures. I'll never complain about the heat again, even when sweat is dripping down my back. Even Rosie doesn't want to do anything but stay curled up like a cat. I'd move to South FL but then I'd have to run from hurricanes. Oh well.....this too shall pass.

I just watched my neighbor drive down the street to pick up her child at the bus stop. Now the child is 11 years old and she only has to pass 4 houses to get home. It's a very short street anyway and they live in the middle. I remember when I was a kid we walked several miles to school. These days you have to live outside of a 2 mile radius to ride the school bus. We lived a lot farther out than that and we still had to walk. Kids don't walk these days, not even just a few feet. Yeah I know....I always said I would raise my kids different from the way I was raised but are we raising lazy kids or what?

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