Sunday, November 14, 2010

Good Morning Sunday

Up early again. Can't sleep much these days. Had the Power Port put in Friday. That went ok. But I did not know I was going to be awake for the procedure until just before I went into the OR. They gave me some happy drugs though so it wasn't so bad. I even overlooked all the jive talk going on in the room. Normally I would have told them to shut up and be serious or get out.

Yesterday morning I got up and took Rosie out for her morning pee and noticed how much the leaves had fallen all over the yard. It's going to rain tomorrow and Rosie hates wading through wet leaves so I decided to blow leaves.... at 8AM, in my pajamas. When you're on pain meds you do weird stuff. Later, Jay and I went up to the new outlet shops in Leeds. I needed to walk around and get some exercise but I think I got a little too much. My back hurt all night. But it was a gorgeous day yesterday. Too nice to be stuck inside all day.

I love this Bible verse:  John 8:31
To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." 
I want to be a disciple and tell people about Jesus too. He has done awesome things for us. Wow....He even died so we would have a chance to live. Do you know anyone else who would do that for you?

Time to get ready for church so toodleooooo. Have a great Sunday!

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