Monday, November 1, 2010

Doom and Gloom Please Go Away

Since my last post I have had a few more Dr. visits. The last one was with the Hem/Onc Dr. That was truely the worst Dr. visit I have ever had. She just point blank told me that I my cancer cannot be cured and that I may only have 2-3 years to live. I was alone when she told me all this and fear hit me immediately and has not gone away yet. I have prayed and prayed for peace with this. If it is God's will for me to die I will accept it if I can just feel some peace. I can't stand this feeling of doom. I know we all have to die one day but I'm not so sure I wanted to know that it was coming sooner than I had always thought. And most of all I can't stand what it's doing to my family. They don't deserve to have to go through this. I pray for peace for them too.

On a better note, I met a great group of women at Church yesterday. I had been wanting to join a small group at
Church and this one is wonderful. I really look forward to many more Sundays of fellowship with them. Tonight I met up with another great group of ladies, my good buddies Aretha, Sylvia and Linda. I love my friends and they always make me feel better. Tonight they reminded me to not let satan have fun watching me cry and fear. Depend on God no matter what. I pray that God will give me the strength to keep coming to Him and not let satan keep bringing me down.

I had a good day with Mandy and Justin yesterday too. We went to Botanical Gardens and took pictures. I'll post some when I feel better. It was good to just spend some time with them. We don't do that nearly enough.

I'm tired now and have to go to bed. Praying for tomorrow to be better. And thanking God for another day of life.

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